What you can achieve:
If an architect provides you with a room layout, you can re-use this file by importing the room template into 2020 Fusion.
How to import a room template into 2020 Fusion:
- Ensure the file is in the correct format. In this case DXF.
- Create a new room in 2020 Fusion. Cancel the wall wizard.
- Go to the Insert tab Click on Import Template (just under the Insert tab).
- Select the template file from your machine, for example room.dxf.
- Click Open.
- The auto CAD Import Wizard will open.
- Here you can select/de-select certain layers such as fixtures and base units.
- To do this, look to the section on the right under the Selection heading and the Layers tab.
- Once you are happy with the layers click Next.
- The next screen shows a preview of the room template.
- Click Finish to add the template to your plan.
- Now this has been imported, you can use it as a guide to accurately draw in the walls.
- If you want to stop the imported image from showing go to View Options Uncheck Imported Room Layout.