You may need to move your Master Database and Master Catalogues to a new location, whether that be another local folder on your machine or a networked file share.
Once the Master Database and Master Catalogues have been physically moved, you will need to update the file path in your PPPrefs.ini
Tip: The default Master Storage Path for modern versions of 2020 Fusion is C:\Users\Public\Documents
1. Click the Windows Start button.
2. Type DisplayFileLocator. This will automatically perform a Search. Click File Locator once it appears in the list.
3. Single click on PPPrefs.ini in the list.
4. A folder will automatically open, containing several .ini files. Open PPPrefs.ini.
5. Scroll through the file until you see MasterStoragePath. Change the path and save the file.
6. Launch 2020 Fusion.