How to add an archway on a wall? How to add an opening on a wall? How to add a circular opening on a wall?
To add an opening on a wall, follow the steps below;
1. Within the Catalogue Items palette, go to Doors Selector. Select Primary Type as Doors and Secondary Type as Openings.
This will give you list of available items that can be used as openings.
Note: If you do not see the Primary Type or Secondary Type criterias on the Catalogue Items palette, please refer to the below article on;
How to Add or Remove Criteria in Catalogue Items Palette in 2020 Fusion
2. Select the opening you want and add it to the wall.
[For this example I am using Click & Drag method to add IOS (Square Opening) to the wall.]
3. This will bring the Add Door window. Type in the required values and click OK to complete.
4. This will add an opening to the wall.