Setting the Auto Feature preferences to a specific default is achieved by following the steps below.
1. From the File menu of 2020 Fusion, select Options.
2. From the Options menu select Auto Features.
3. The first section of the Options menu titled General Defaults allows the user to toggle on or off which features may be inserted automatically when using the Auto Features function. For example, plinths, worktops, cornices etc...Furthermore, also allowing to ignore, exclude or include the selection choices.
4. The AutoPelmet Defaults allow the user to input specific measurements for their respective category. The Optimise and Side Return choices may be toggled on or off.
5. The AutoCorniceFiller Defaults allow the user to input specific measurements for their respective category. The Optimise and Side Return choices may be toggled on or off.
6. The AutoCeilingFiller Defaults allow the user to input specific measurements for their respective category. The Extend Side, Optimise, Side Return and Front Indent may be toggled on or off. The user may also decide how to define this category by choosing from Defined in Source Catalogue, Defined in Main Catalogue or User Defined.
7. The AutoPlinth Defaults allow the user to input specific measurements for their respective category. The Extend Side, Extend Back, Optimise, Side Return, Plinth Linked units and Front Indent may be toggled on or off. The user may also decide how to define this category by choosing from Defined in Source Catalogue, Defined in Main Catalogue or User Defined.
8. The AutoWorktop/AutoMidiWorktop Defaults allow the user to input specific measurements for their respective category. The settings can be set individually for the Auto Worktop or the Auto MidiWorktop by alternating between the two using the drop-down arrow.
The Extend Back To Walls, Extend Side To Walls, Extend Side To Each Other, Extend Back To Each Other, Extend Into Window Niches, Side Overhang and Front Overhang may be toggled on or off. The user may also decide how to define this category by choosing from Defined in Source Catalogue, Defined in Main Catalogue or User Defined.
9. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to ignore them.