How to enable or disable clash notifications in 2020 Fusion
A clash in 2020 Fusion can be described as any item that is penetrating into or through another item, fixture or surface.
1. From the main menu of 2020 Fusion, click on the Option menu.
2. Click on Notifications.
3. The available options for clashes and pop-ups within 2020 Fusion will be displayed and can be toggled on or off here.
4. The Clash Checking section allows the user to select which clashes can and will pop-up as a notification on their screen if and when a clash occurs.
For example, turning on the Clash Checking for the Floor/Ceiling will notify the user of a clash if an item is in fact clashing with the floor or ceiling in the design. A notification similar to what is displayed below would appear whenever a clash occurs.
5. Turning on the Hide Acknowledged Clashes by Default allows for all clash notifications to remain hidden, if the user were to click on the Acknowledge All button when popping up.
6. The Pop-Up Windows section allows the user to determine the behaviour of the pop-up window.
Each option for Clashing, Style Details and 2020Cloud Validation are the same. The three options available describe the function of each choice.
Off: Disables the pop-up window.
Auto-Hide: Displays the pop-up window for several seconds before it hides itself automatically.
Permanent: Keeps the pop-up on the screen until the user acknowledges it.
7. The window size of the actual pop-up can be determined by enabling the radio button for Small or Large.
8 Clicking on OK will save the modifications and Cancel will ignore them.