Here are the steps to follow so that the catalogue palette selector is in alphabetical order.
1. From the 2020 Fusion File menu, select Options.
2. Click on General.
3. Within General, find the Add Palette section.
4. To specifically have the palette ordered alphabetically, simply check off the Alphanumeric Type Sort as shown in the image above. The catalogues will then display as expected, in descending order. The defaulted catalogue in the palette will be the first one within the list.
5. Another option is to have the All Catalogues checked off alone. This will simply have the All Catalogues set as the default in the palette.
6. The third option is to have both the All Catalogues and Alphanumeric Type Sort selected. This will have All Catalogues as the defaulted selection, yet still allow the drown-down menu to be ordered alphabetically.