Watch this video to see how to reset your 2020 Account password
How to reset my Cyncly Account password. How to change my Cyncly Account password.
If you have forgotten your Cyncly Account password and need to reset it, follow the steps below;
1. Within the 2020 Cloud window, click on Forgot Password.
(Alternatively, you can also go to
2. Enter your email address and click on Reset Password.
3. You will be sent an email to reset your password. Click on Link in the email to reset your password.
This will take you reset password web page.
4. Enter your email address and set a new password. Click OK to confirm the new password.
If you remember your existing password but would like to change it, follow the steps below;
1. Log in to your Cyncly Account by going to
2. Once logged in to your Cyncly Account, go to Account Settings and click Change Password.
3. Click on Password Change Request.
4. You will be sent an email to reset your password. Click on Link in the email to reset your password.
This will take you reset password web page.
5. Enter your email address and set a new password. Click OK to confirm the new password.