2020 Fusion Version 7.2 onwards
1. Load 2020 Fusion and go to File Options Annotation
2. There are three different options that can be user-defined as different colours:
Standard Items, Items Altered by Modifiers and Manual Annotation.
3. Clicking on the ↓ beside 'Colour,' you will see a table of predefined colours to choose from.By clicking Other, you will be presented with a new window that has two tabs: Standard and Custom.
Standard allows you to pick from an extended colour table and Custom allows you to define your selection using RGB values.
Another new feature is the Colour Picker . If you click on Select to activate this and then click on an image, this will identify and apply the corresponding RGB values from the pixel selected and allow you to precisely match your annotation colours to that of your company logo, for example.
User annotations will continue to be managed via Annotate Manage
Manual Annotations: How to Choose/Define a Custom Font Colour in 2020 Fusion