When launching Fusion, you are prompted with an error similar to Application Version Index # is lower than #.
This error appears when your USB dongle is not programmed to run the version of Fusion installed on your computer.
Before proceeding, ensure that you have the correct dongle plugged into your computer's USB port.
Solution 1
If you have received an email containing a dongle code from a representative, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Windows Start button.
2. Type Dongle Setup. This will automatically perform a search. Click Dongle Setup once it appears in the list.
3. A grey window will appear. Click File & Update Dongle…
4. A dialogue will appear asking for the dongle update code.
5. Open your email and highlight the code. Right click on the highlighted code and select Copy.
6. In the Update Dongle dialogue, right click and select Paste as shown below.
7. Click Update and you should should be presented with a message box showing "Dongle updated successfully."
8. Attempt to launch Fusion. If the issue persists, please contact 2020 Fusion Customer Support.
Solution 2
If you have not received an email containing a dongle code from a representative, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Start Download banner below to download the setup file.
2. When the download is complete, run the setup file and your license will be updated automatically.
3. Attempt to launch Fusion. If the issue persists, please contact Fusion Customer Support.