When using 2020 Fusion, the user will occasionally receive a pop-up advising of a clash between two or more items. These are called Clash Notifications.
The Clash notification will resemble this.
Clash notifications are extremely useful to a designer as they will advise them of a possible issue within the design that requires attention. For example, a notification may appear if a base unit is penetrating a wall or adjacent unit. If not addressed, this may cause complications later when adding more detail and items to the design. The user will need to re-position the clashed item to properly rest within the design without clashing.
There are some clash notifications that can be ignored since they are by design or to be expected. For example, if a graphic of a person is placed to sit on a stool, 2020 Fusion will consider this a clash because the person and the stool are touching. This is an example of an intended clash and the user may choose to ignore this.
1. To access the clashes that have occurred in the plan, click on the Clashes button found within the Home menu of the ribbon.
2. A window displaying all the clashes found in the plan will appear as a drop-down pane from the Clashes button.
The user can decide to view them all individually by selecting one at a time or view them all by choosing Select All.
3. Selecting one clash will highlight it on the list and hovering over it will explain what items are clashing.
4. When a clash is selected, it will close the Clashes menu and display the design with the chosen clashes highlighted in the active view (Plan, Elevation or Perspective).
5. The user is able to also click on Acknowledge in the Clashes menu to prevent any of the selected clashes from popping up again.
6. Clashes that were acknowledged will appear in the Clashes menu with a green check mark.
7. If clashes were acknowledged, the user can also choose to hide them from the Clashes menu by selecting Hide Acknowledged Clashes.
8. If clashes were acknowledged and hidden, only the clashes that were not selected will appear with a red X as shown in the previous images above.
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