Within 2020 Fusion Connect, you have a customer management system.
Before you can proceed to create your first design, you must set up a customer. Please follow the below steps:
1. Within the Find Customer screen, Click New.
2. Fill in the relevant customer details.
3. Once you have created a customer, you should be looking at an empty list of designs, in the File menu, such as this:
4. Click on the New button, above the empty list of designs.
5. A window appears, asking you what name to give to the design and what kind of budget it has. You must enter a name, but the budget section is optional.
6. Now, you are ready to start designing. Upon entering the design the first thing you should see will be the wall wizard.
It contains a few pre-shaped rooms, as seen on the left side of the window. The last option, Multiple Walls, is used for the more complex rooms.
The wall wizard is the easiest way to define the layout of your room, but before adding your walls please be sure of the following:
- Your walls are drawn in a clock-wise fashion
- Your walls are drawn with the Advanced Graphics catalogue