Here is how to set the default margins for printing in 2020 Fusion.
1. From the Main menu, click on Options.
2. Click on Room Defaults.
3.There will then be a pane that will allow the user to customize the distance from the edge of the page/paper the image will print on.
Example: If the values is entered as 1 for the left margin as shown below, the image will print 1mm away from the left edge of the paper.
The same logic applies for the top, right and bottom margin settings.
4. The Additional Print Screen Margin sets a measurement away from the edge of all sides when taking a screen capture or print screen.
Example: If the value is entered as 30 as shown below, the image will display 30mm away from all edges of the captures screen image.
5. Click on OK to accept the modifications or Cancel to ignore them.