If you're working on a bigger design, you can use print areas to print it out in sections
1. When in a design, go to Home Print Areas.
2. Click New.
3. A print area will appear with a red outline.
4. You can define your print area under the Configure section.
Select: This allows you to select a print area. If you wish to delete it, right click the name of the print area and click Delete.
Name: Here you can set a name for your print area.
Paper Size: This allows you to select your paper size.
Scale: You can select a predefined scale here or create your own using the user defined option.
Note - When using the user defined scale, you can either set the custom scale or left click the bottom-right of the print area to amend the size of it.
Orientation: Here you can select to have your print area as portrait or landscape.
Info Block: This lets you pick an info block to be displayed when printing your print area.
5. Print selections allows you to select multiple print areas to be printed at once.
It's worth noting that you can move the print area around by left clicking within it and dragging it if you need to get it into position.
Once you have configured your print area, click Confirm.
6. Go to File Print.
7. Under the Settings section, make sure the print type is set to Print Areas.
8. Click on Print or Background Print.