Before you proceed
Please make sure your catalogues are up to date. Items are regularly added, removed or tweaked in catalogues, which can affect the way a room is brightened up. If you are unsure how to check for updates, please click here to see a article on managing catalogue updates.
My room feels very dark! How do I brighten it up?
Make sure you have installed windows in your room. While not crucial for adequate lighting, windows will provide sunlight into your room, which is very important to generate a “natural” kind of light in your room.
Now add a background to your design. You can do so in the View tab, in the Render section of the ribbon – the button is located next to the selection of render settings. You can choose almost anything from the default section, and that will give a very different feel to your design.
The final step is to set a Theme in your View tab. This is found in the View tab, in the lighting section. For optimal lighting, select either midday sun or clear sky.
Please click here to see an article on how to apply a default lighting theme for all designs.
Things are better, but not good enough.
That’s fine – Have you added any lights to your design? Before proceeding, make sure that the Scene slider (found in the View tab, in the Lighting section) is set to default. Its default location is in the middle of the slider bar.
Regarding lighting, you can add additional lights to your design from either the Universal Lighting Catalogue or directly from the the Decorative Items UK on 2020 Cloud, please note that only Fusion V7 and above will support lighting information from 2020 Cloud models. We would always advise to light you design close to as it would be in "Real Life".
Please click here to see an article on how to manage your lights in 2020 Fusion.
Nothing helps - My design is still too dark.
In View tab in the Lighting section, there are two sliders: Sunlight and Scene. Notice how we referred to the Sunlight slider above, but ignored the Scene slider? That’s because the Scene slider is much, much more effective when you’ve dropped a few lights in your design. If you have followed all of the above steps, go ahead and hit the “+” next to the Scene slider once.
We suggest that our users alternate with the Sunlight slider and the Scene slider in order to see what both results are.