Applies to
2020 Fusion
Is there an easy way to sort catalogues before updating or downloading them?
Catalogues may be sorted in the Product Downloader as follows.
1. Select Manage Catalogues from the 2020 Fusion main menu.
2. Select Check for Updates. and the Product Downloader will open.
3. The user can sort the displayed categories in ascending or descending order by clicking on any of the headings. A grey triangle will point upwards or downwards to depict the order it is in (upwards for ascending and downwards for descending)
4. The user can choose to also add more heading types by simply right-clicking with the mouse on any heading already displayed such as Update Name, Size, File Name, Overwrite etc.... When this is performed, the following sub-window appears.
5. To add any of the unselected headings to the Product Downloader simply click on them once. When selected a checkmark will appear and when deselected the checkmark is missing.